Dear Dad,
This is at least one time since I have been in the army that I have had enough time for letter writing. You have probably read in the paper about the big strike the Pacific Electric Line is having out here. As one of the results of this all members of the service have to remain on their base. No officers are even allowed in Los Angeles. They have also had another rumor of an attack on the West Coast. Our C.O. told us this evening to be ready for an alert tonight. A few of us went down to one of the shows and I never have seen such a long line. All the P.X.’s are packed as well as the movies and service club. I never have seen so many planes over the base as I have today. A squadron of P47s went over, it was the first large bunch of those that been over. There are always alot of bombers and other fighter planes around.

Those of us who got marksmen ship scores at the range a couple of weeks ago received our medals today. I think I’ll send mine home so you can keep it for me. I’ll also be sending home some restricted material that we used here in school. I might need it for reference sometime later so just hang on to it. Just don’t let it lay around too much.

I guess I told you we finished school Thurs. and we are suppose to leave here Fri. I think we’ll know where we are going around the first of the week so I’ll let you know as soon as I find out. We had a lecture from an officer from one of the primary school and he told us the wath out rate at primary was 30% which doesn’t sound very encouraging. However, by this time I have learned to take things as they come and so far things have turned out O.K. I still have my fingers crossed. This officer also told us that most of the primary schools are using Ryan primary trainers which land at 90 M.P.H. and stall at 60 M.P.H. That makes it a pretty hot ship to learn in. The P38s land at about 90 M.P.H. You can imagine how everyone is sitting on pins and needles. I think if they told us to be ready to leave in 10 min. we would all be packed and ready in 5 min.
I received the letter you wrote Tues. night and it was really swell. Thanks alot for the stamps they certainly come in handy. You asked about the sqd. picture. I am glad you got it. There is one Chinese boy and 3 Mexicans, none are colored. I know one of the Mexican boys very well, he was in “J” flight at Tempe. His name is Raul Ramos and he comes from a good family in L.A. The whole bunch are swell fellows and you would have to go a long ways to find any better.
I haven’t seen Jim Brewer or Virgil E. for some time now. It is pretty hard to make connections when all our schedules are different. However, this next week I should have alittle more free time.
Sam’s address is:
Samuel C. Ashcroft, 13114261.
13TSS BKs 809
Scott Field, Ill.
I got a letter from him but haven’t written to him yet. I hope to get one off tomorrow.

I got the letter from Cleda and it was really nice. She was afraid I was worried about things at home and she didn’t want me to. However, Dad, I haven’t worried about them because I felt sure that things would turn out O.K. I was just interested. As for you idolizing me I hope that I can prove worthy of it when the time comes. I know one thing and that is there isn’t a boy living or dead that ever had as good a father as I have.
Well Dad I want to write Elaine tonight. I am going to see if she can’t get Zoe’s Graduation present for me.
I not only wouldn’t know what to get or when to get it.
Goodnight –
With love,