I must say that I was a little surprised at your letter today. Do you really think that you want to be an air line hostess? If that is really what you want to do I wouldn’t say you were being foolish, however, as much as they need technicians (sp.) I would think it over pretty well. Enough said on the subject. –
You spoke of how cold it was back home. It has really been nice here, the nights and mornings are cool but the afternoons get pretty warm. Do you know that I have only seen rain twice since we left Fresno about the 15th of March. And all that was at Tempe for it hasn’t rained any here.

We were told today that our finals were coming the first of next week because an order came through from H.Q. saying that all our grades had to be in by next Wed. The rumor has it that the pre-flight in Texas has been quarantined and therefore we will have to fill up some of their primary’s. Of course this is just a rumor but it is certain something is in the wind.

I think we have been inspected by just about every General in the country. General Yount is spending three days here and he is suppose to be eating in our dining hall tomorrow and is scheduled to inspect our barracks. None of us are very impressed because all it mean was another G.I. Party tonight.
We have to start using our army serial number on all our mail, so don’t forget to include it on my letters from now on. More red tape.
Honey, I am still looking forward to the middle of Oct., in fact more so every day. Goodnight Darling –
With all my love,