Mon. night.
Dear Folks,
What a life – I didn’t get opff over the weekend because I had 5 tours to walk. I walked off 2 of them Sat. night from 7-9 and the other 3 from 8:30 till 11:30 Sun. morning. Our new C.O. cracked the whip and just about everyone was walking.
I only have a few minutes but I did want to write you and send you the letter I received from Cleda. I’ll send the one you received from her in the next letter. I didn’t hardly know what to write back but I thought I had better say something. I wrote them a joint letter saying that if it was just little petty things such as service flags disappearing, etc. that I didn’t see why things couldn’t be ironed out. I didn’t criticize anyone as yet but thought I’d see what the reactions would be. I would hate to have to see Dad go through alot of scandal, etc. if it isn’t necessary but if that is the only alternative then that’s how it will have to be. Save this letter with your collection. There are alot of things I would like to find out about but it would take to long through the mail, such as how Dad could write and tell me that Cleda didn’t want to have Mrs. Perkins about a week before they had her. That doesn’t sound like an hours notice.
Well this is mainly gossip and it is 5 till 10 now so I have to close. I’ll write again at the end of the week.

I hope you can read this but I am laying in bed.
Goodnight –
Give Karen a kiss for me.