Dear Folks,
I hope I don’t smear this letter too much but it is plenty warm here tonight. From the wound of the floods out there you folks are probably still getting your share at the rain. I wish we had alittle out here. It has only rained twice in 9 weeks.
This have been happening pretty fast here in the last two days. “I” flight which is in our squadron is to start flying Mon. and then they go to Santa Anna for classification in about 2 wks. “L” flight which is just ahead of us start flying June 6th and the rumor is that we will start about the 20th of June and there is a good possibility of us being in Santa Anna by the end of June. Supposedly Santa Anna asked for 240 from here and alot of the flights are getting gyped out of flying: After having thought it over and with all the uncertainty it might be a waste of time and money to come all the way out here. I am certain that I wouldn’t be able to get off any more than just the 25 hrs. on the weekend. However, this is up to you, I would like to see you but there are the practical things that we have to think of.

We got our grades for the first month the other day and I was pretty well pleased. Our Physics and History wouldn’t be included with these. In Navigation and A; Medical Aid an A, Geography a 92 which would probably be an A-; English and 89 which surprised e very much. There were only two A’s given in navigation which made me feel pretty good. Sam is having to take math and is having quite a struggle with it. Trying to help him with it reminds me of the timesĀ Hank Clason and I had.
I gave the fellow across the hall a haircut awhile ago. I am getting pretty good. Sam had the clippers and shears but he doesn’t know how to use them. As a result I have been making enough to get my own haircut once a week. Believe me you really have to get it cut once a week or you don’t get your pass. There are so many ways to lose a pass that until you really have it in your hand anything can happen.
I had better close and get to work. Tomorrow is Eng. we have to give a lecture and explain the principles of a machine of any kind. I have choosen (sic) the method of making liquid air. I hope the prof doesn’t know anything about it.
Love, Tom