Dear Dad,
This makes a lot of letters that I have written to you in the last few days but our flight got off this afternoon and it is hard to say when that will happen again so I thought best to write.
Our flight was about the only one that didn’t get shots this afternoon. The fellows that had them can hardly move their arms.

I am fairly well situated now and there are alot of fellows from N.U. here. One of the fellows I knew at school bunks under me. We slept together on the train and were pretty lucky to be together this long. Our “sarge” remindes me of “Herk” File, so you can tell what he is like. His bark is alot worse than his bite. The officers are O.K. but it is best to keep away from them. It is really surprising how well the fellow drill. Most of them have had ROTC so we all know about as much about it as the fellow that has been in for a week or two. These fellows certainly don’t look like the college boys they were 3 weeks ago.

I have tried to put through a telephone call twice this afternoon to you but they keep telling me to wait three hours. I have about given up.
Last night in lecture they told us to tell our folks that if anyone ever got seriously sick at home, + we were needed, that your parents were to get in touch with the local Red Cross + you would get away 48 hrs. sooner.
They have been shipping them out of here pretty quick + I doubt if I am here for much more than two weeks.
The only thing I don’t like is eating out of our own canteens + then washing them afterwards. It is just like being out on maneuvers. When I get home after this I will probably dislike washing dishes ever more.
They lectured for about an hour last night in telling us what things not to write home about so I can’t tell you very much about whats going on, but there is a good many boys here + it is mainly basic training.

When I get a chance I am sending home the suit case. There are a number of things in it I don’t need such as your razor. They gave us a pretty good one + I can get a good shave with it.
There isn’t a thing I need in fact I can get candy bars for 3⊄ and about anything else at half price so if you want an gum or anything let me know.
This will probably be the last chance I will get to write any letters this week + I have several more to write so had better close.
Your loving son,