Dear Folks,
We are due in Fresno in an hour and it is hard to say when I will get a chance to mail this. We had dinner tonight at Bakersfield our second + last meal for the day. However, we haven’t done a thing except enjoy the ride.
Today has really been the best of the trip this part of Calif. is really beautiful. The spring flowers are all out and down in the valleys the grass is real green while in the distance you can see snow capped mountains. It will be good to get off the train. It seems like we have been on it for ever.
I doubt if we get to bed tonight because it will probably take most of the night to get our clothing.
We went by several gover Bakersfield. They all have ratings and are going to sea. They came from Norfolk, Va. + have been riding since Sun.

The whole train has been blacked out since dark. They come through every once in a while to check up. I hope all this stuff isn’t any military information but I better shut up before it is.
There really isn’t much more to say other than describe the country and I have seen so much of that in the last four days that it would take more time than I have.
I have to get my things together so had better close.
Gute Nacht,