Mon. evening

I have been meaning to write you for the last week or has it been longer than that? I hope there are some other schools not as tough as Northwestern because this one is plenty hard and I want an easier one for next year.
Its just about dinner time but I wanted to mail this tonight.
Last weeks game didn’t go so good for Northwestern but we can at least say we don’t pick on little teams to win from. (such as Drake) It was really a swell game and we should have won.

I am certainly glad that last week is past, because between homecoming and Dad coming up I didn’t get much work completed. My subjects aren’t so hard except German and its really a nightmare. I have an eight thirty every morning but I’ll know better next time not to get any of them. It seems like I just go to bed and have to get up. For the amount of sleep I get I might just as well not go to bed because it takes up more energy than I can spare crawling up into the top bunk.
I guess you Bob B. was up two weeks ago we really saw the town I think he was quite impressed.
I had better close this letter because tonight is swat night and I can’t risk being late to dinner. Wish me luck that I don’t get over one swat. I know I have that coming.
Tell Ruth hello.
Do you think you could come to Chicago any week-end? Elaine said she would like for you to stay with her. Think this over and let me know where to meet you. (I hope I am not taking to much for granite)
With love,