12:00 o’clock noon
Dear Zoe,

I guess I was a slow at answering your letter as you were answering mine.
You wern’t kidding when you said that college took alot of time, I’ve been so busy that I don’t know just what I have been doing.
Last night was swat night and out of thirty fellows four of them got swated. I was the second one of the four, but I got off pretty lucky with just one. I had been caught with my green hat off and i also forgot to get a fellow up at 7:00 o’clock.
This spring the freshmen through the seniors in the lake if they can. There are about three fellows that as far as I am concerned will be the first to go in.

I have a Chem Quiz this afternoon and I just finished with a German test (I didn’t do so hot) So far German is the hardest one that I have but I haven’t found a snap course yet.
This coming Mon. day night is the pledge walk out. That is when all of the pledges take all of the silverware and walk out with an other sorority of their own choice, we chose the Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority.

Last night we serenaded all of the girls houses. Now you know why I never have time to write as well as study.
Its just about time for lunch so had better close. I talk to Ed about going down to see you and it is still under contemplation, so I’ll will let you know if we get to come.
With love,