Tom is delighted that Zoe has accepted his invitation to come up to Northwestern to visit him. She’ll be staying with Elaine. The telegram she sent attracted quick attention in Tom’s fraternity house.
2:00 o’clock Tues.
Just time for a note before I got to the library. I received your telegram last night and everybody knew it in less than 5 minutes.

I will be at the station to meet you. One of my friends here has a date and he will come with me. Then we’ll see Chicago.

I called Elaine last night and she thinks its swell. She said she had written you.
Its getting cold here today so you might get to see some snow. I just about froze going to my 8:30 this morning. I have to go right along the lake.
Everything is coming O.K. except German and that has me worried.
I have to write a theme so will close.
With love,