Tues. night 9:30

I received your letter this morning it was wonderful to hear from you. I wish the vacation[1]Northwestern’s Thanksgiving Vacation, November 19-24 could have lasted forever like it did Sat. nioght.
We got in Chicago at 8:30. We didn’t leave home till 3:00 so we made fairly good time. We brought two sailor boys with us. Dad left sometime Mon. morning.
I had a surprise in German class Mon. morning. He said we would have a vocabulary test Tues. about the same as a mid-semester. I didn’t get to bed last night till 3:00 and I was planning on staying up all night but got disgusted and didn’t give a damn if I flunked it or not. (maybe I did)
I got back a Chem hour exam paper today and got a 87 so I felt better.

I went down to Elaine’s for a while this afternoon. She thinks you are wonderful. (It must run in the family.) Everytime I go down there you are the main topic of discussion.
I am going to try and get in bed by 10 tonight.
My hands will have to freeze till Christmas but Elaine is going to give me a pair of gloves for Christmas, but don’t you worry about it.
I am counting the days till Christmas vacation.
Dearest, I really think you are wonderful especially after the way I have treated you. I must have been crazy about a year ago. I hop[e that someday you can forgive me. Anyway I think it was swell to give me another chance.
With love,
24 days.
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