Mon. evening.

I recieved your letter today I had really began to worry. It had been over a week, but I know how busy things have been this last week.
It didn’t take the war long to come to a head. So far it looks like we have got the little the worse of the deal, but I think that will change. The way the draft is going it looks like there will be alot of vacant seats around here after the first semester alot of them here in the house were just granted enough time to finish one semester. My roommate is one of them he’s pretty worried and is just about ready to join the navy.

I am going to meet Steve at 10:00. He has been working down town during the Christmas rush.
Dad is sort of thinking about coming up after me this Fri. If it wasn’t for my Chem lab that afternoon I could leave early.
German is still awful and going worse. (Ich liebe Sie[1]I love you) translate this.
I certainly hope you are home more than 4 days Christmas. If you aren’t there won’t be much use for me to go home.
With love,
This pen isn’t worth a damn.

↑1 | I love you |