Sun. night.
7:00 o’clock
I’ve just been talking to Bill V. by the way he talks you must have made a fairly noticable play for Hal. Hal told Bill that night afterwards that he hope I wouldn’t get mad because he tried not to dance with you I don’t know how true that was but I do know that one time it wasn’t his idea. Zoe I do love you an awful lot but I don’t like to be pushed around if its that you are getting tired of me I wish you’d tell me instead of trying to get around it in different ways I pray that’s not it because I don’t want to lose you Zoe and I’d do just about anything to keep from it. Bill also said that he thought somebody else could have gotten a date with you during the vacation.

I know that he blows alot but sometime a little of what he says does make sense. Don’t blame Bill for telling me this because he’s a good friend and I guess he thought he should.
Zoe you should know by now how much I really do love you especially by the way I begged you Fri. night I might as well gotten on my knees and you should be very honored because I very seldom beg any one I guess maybe I figure you’re worth it.
This is alittle to soon for any news but I expect to here from you pretty soon.
With all my love,