July 21, 1943, Santa Ana, California

Tom has passed all his tests and is now classified as a pilot (in training). He will be sent into the field (bivouac) for a few days before starting his pilot pre-flight training.
Tues. night.

July 21, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 1
July 21, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 1


Things happened pretty fast today, this morning we were classified and I got my choice as a pilot. The fellow I was telling you about, Casey, he was made bombardier and can’t decide if he will like it or not. We took the oath from the C.O. and had a talk . from Lt. Bell who was the first fellow to drop a bomb on Germany, he has had several interesting experiences. We also found out that we go on a bivouac starting Sun. morning and return the following Fri. morning and then start to pilot school Sat. morning. All the pilots, bombardiers and navigators will be split up then and go to their respective pre-flight schools. Pre-flight supposedly lasts 9 weeks. On our clothing issue we got everything but cadet coats and they stopped issuing them two weeks ago. It seems like we have been getting the well known ________ ever since we have in in the army. We might get them later, so says the C.O. but I doubt it.

I might not be able to write while we are on the bivouac but mail will be brought out to us so don’t let that keep you from writing.

July 21, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 2
July 21, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 2

Out of the squadron there were about 25 classified as bombardiers, only one navigator and the rest were pilots, however, most of the bombardiers are getting training in navigation now. We were also told today that by the time we were through training most of us would be flight officers rather than 2nd Lt. I can’t distinguish any difference in the two because uniforms and pay are the same.

Honey, I wish you would write more. It is bad enough just to miss you as much as I do let alone not hearing from you for so long.

Goodnight honey –

All my love,


July 21, 1943, Santa Ana, California
July 21, 1943, Santa Ana, California

A Young Man Went Off to War