July 15, 1943, Santa Ana, California

Tom has passed his eye exams and is impressed with the quality of the Flight Surgeons and their equipment. He talks more about marriage, and acknowledges that Zoe may feel they are too young, but Tom feels like he’s aged since being in the Army.
Wed. night.

July 15, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 1
July 15, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 1


Everyone is getting fed up with things around here and I am no exception. Supposedly for being “off the ball” we have to drill an extra two hours every night, after supper. Last night we didn’t get in till 9:45 and had top be in bed by 10:00. I think if anyone wold have had a good plan or with alittle encouragement all of us would have gone over the hill. There goes the whistle, hope to have time to finish this when we get in.

(9:00 P.M.)

After having us double time past the reviewing stand several times they decided to let us come in.

Our schedule for tomorrow calls for a couple of lectures and morres on sex morality. We have probably all heard and seen the same thing before but it seems they want to impress everything very heavily on our minds.

July 15, 1943, Santa Ana, California
July 15, 1943, Santa Ana, California

We are all through on our tests and stuff for classification and are now waiting to hear the outcome. I think they are to tell us next Tues. Several have already found out that they have washed but there will still be alot more. Some washed on the schneider it has to be between +8 and +18, I had a +11. [1]The Schneider Index, developed in the 1920s, was a measure of “neurocirculatory asthenia or cumulative fatigue”, and widely used in the US military aviation community. It was later … Continue reading The things like this and they eyes which I was worried a bout were all ok. Both my eyes were 20/15 and depth perception was 0 mm off. The equipment they have here is really good and it is pretty hard to find a much better doctor than a flight surgeon.

I suppose you received my last letter and I hope you don’t think I was jumping too far ahead of myself in the future, but we really never have had any discussion or ideas expressed on the subject of marriage yet. I don’t know, maybe you think we are still too young and have alot of time to think and look, however, for myself I feel as if I have aged 5 years in the last 5 mos. I guess it is my imagination. Anyway it is pretty hard to explain anything through the mail so maybe we can talk things over personally in about a year from now. I am assuming of course that you won’t go grab off someone before then.

Guten Nacht –

All my love,


July 15, 1943, Sant Ana, California
July 15, 1943, Sant Ana, California


1 The Schneider Index, developed in the 1920s, was a measure of “neurocirculatory asthenia or cumulative fatigue”, and widely used in the US military aviation community. It was later discredited and fell out of use after July, 1943

A Young Man Went Off to War