July 12, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Sunday Morning

Tom continues to be evaluated during his “Classification Stage”, with physical and psychological testing. Mrs. Perkins is visiting in Greenville.
Sun. Morning.

July 12, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 1
July 12, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 1

Dear Folks,

Have alittle time and didn’t know when the chance would arise again. Dad, I received your letter so to answer a few of your questions: No, Sam didn’t get to come yet he will be here in about another week. We didn’t even notice the 4th here.[1]4th of July celebrations We were on the train at the time and went through many town and didn’t hear any firecrackers.

It is a good thing you came out to see me when you did because in a lecture we had the other day we were told we would get all our training on the west coast and would be lucky to get any leave at all after we finished. The last bunch of Bombardiers that they graduated he said they gave them a “right face”, marched them on a boat and gave them gunnery practice on the way over. However, I think that is more the exception than the rule.

I have gone through everything but the last part of the 6-4 physical. This is the worse part and that which most wash out on, it includes the eye test, blood pressure, (Schneider) etc. A few have washed so far on such things as air sickness, lousy coordination, etc. Two fellows washed themselves.

July 12, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 2
July 12, 1943, Santa Ana, California, Page 2

These dentists are really fiends for pulling wisdom teeth I have to have one pulled this Fri. I think just about everyone has to have something done. We also had our interviews yesterday and the captain that interviewed me was a Northwestern grad, so we got along fine. They really want to know everything about you and after two days of written tests and an interview they really do.

I guess you haven’t seen Bill Van Meter for some time. I heard from him several weeks ago and it seems that all the girls in St. Louis won’t let him go home on weekends any more.

I guess Mrs. Perkins is there at Greenville now if you see her tell her hello for me and that the weather here is really different than Phoenix. Tell her I will write them when I know she is home.

Let me know if you don’t get the picture, it should be there now on any day. I also gave one to the Perkin’s and Aunty. I didn’t know what to get Mr. + Mrs. Perkins so thought of that.

Will let you know how I come out Mon. I hope everything goes ok. If it does we will get cadet ratings and uniforms in about a week.



July 12, 1943, Santa Ana, California
July 12, 1943, Santa Ana, California


1 4th of July celebrations

A Young Man Went Off to War