Received your letter but this is the first chance I have had to answer. This morning we finished with our mental tests and had part of the physical. Still have 4 hrs. of physical to go Mon. We had our interview this morning which wasn’t very bad but they certainly do want to know everything about you. Including all your love life. Yesterday we had all our motor tests which were really fun but screwy. If you can imagine a bunch of pin-ball machines and playing them for about 4 hrs. you know what we did. I was suppose to have a wisdom tooth pulled Mon. but I had it changed to Fri. because we finish our 6-4 then. Anyone who even had anything that looked like a wisdom tooth is having it pulled. I think the dentists have a quota to fill.
From the sound of your letters I have more to worry about than John. I am referring to the weekend parties.

This is sure a hell of a situation to have to spend Sat. night in an army barracks with 80 other fellows who would like to get out as much as I would. We are confined to the area around the squadron which is about a block for 2 weeks after that time we have freedom of the post. We won’t get any passes till we have been here 42 days which is one hell of a long time.
You are wrong about it being hot here, I have been cold every night so far, even with three blankets. It getys alittle warm in the afternoon but nothing top cvompare with Tempe.
I like the signature of your letter. The sound of it is OK. but I am more interested in the meaning. Honey, I hope you mean what you write.
I guess you didn’t get the letter that I sent you so I guess I will try to explain again. What caused me to discuss it was when you told me about Allan Lake’s father telling you he heard we were going to be married. Personally I would like it and think it would be a damn good idea, that is if I get through this training. However, I think again and wonder if it isn’t being selfish on my part. We have been having lectures lately on the fact that we are all going to have to be killers and that this training isn’t altogether for our own welfare and when we get through with training we aren’t going to be in the country long enough to go q4round showing off our bars. I think this explains what I mean so don’t you think it would be sort of selfish on any fellows part to ask a girl to marry him under these conditions? However the way they wash them out on the 6-4 I probably won’t be around after next week. If I do wash out I have a notion to apply for gunnery school. Honey, I can’t think of anything better to look forward to than marrying you, maybe I am hoping for the impossible but it is good for my morale.
There goes tatto.[1]He means “Tattoo”, the US Army and British Army bugle call that signals all lights to be turned off.
All my love,

↑1 | He means “Tattoo”, the US Army and British Army bugle call that signals all lights to be turned off. |