Dear Folks,
We are really out on the desert about 18 mi. from Phoenix. Arrived here yesterday noon and have really been on the go because we start flying tomorrow. You wouldn’t know today was Sun. because we got up at 5:30 and have been to a lecture and had a room inspection this morning. This afternoon more lectures. The main object here is to let you get as many hours in as possible. For the first 4 weeks we will be on the flight line about 3 or 4 hours a day as well as drill, calesthenics and 2 hrs. of ground school. We should solo in a week or two. After the first 4 weeks we are on the line about 5 or 6 hours with the rest remaining the same. We start out getting about 1 hr. flying a day and work up till we are getting about 3 a day. This is really the thing and it is a good field for flying. There are a few mountains and hills around but I don’t think they cause any trouble. The living conditions are pretty nice even though they are alittle crowded. We are suppose to get out of here on weekends but flying comes first so if you miss a day during the week you fly Sun. to make it up.
The weather here is still pretty warm but there is a good breeze. I’ll know alot more abut things in a couple of days and this is mainly to let you know my address. Cleda I received your letter just before I left. How was Dad’s meal? Thanks for the envelopes I think I will need them pretty soon.
With love,