This didn’t turn out to be much of a Sun. either. However, we did get to sleep till 8:00 but then we had a lecture at 10:00.
Flying is coming along pretty good. Yesterday it rained all day but we still flew. It was quite a sensation flying in the rain. Up about 6,000′ it was really cold and those helmets and goggles aren’t much protection. We are suppose to get flying jackets soon. Long John went deer hunting and I have had a different instructor the last two days. I hate to think of going up with him again Mon. I don’t know who cusses who the most the trouble is that I can hear him through the gosports and he can’t hear me. There is no getting around it that he really knows how to handle the plane.

I think Zoe is coming out sometime in the next few weeks. I don’t (know) when it will be but I wish you would take about $50.00 or alittle more out of my account and send me check or money order. I might have enough but I wanted alittle reserve. We are not going to get engaged so don’t get that idea. When and if that time rolls around you will know about it in advance. She had been planning on coming out for sometime after she graduated. Send the money as soon as possible because it is possible that she might come this coming weekend. Mrs. Perkins is going to make reservations for her.
I am sending you a book of matches from the field. Will send them in a separate envelope.
Well it’s time for my daily evening shower.
Keep your fingers crossed for me. Goodnight –
With love,

Add this one to your collection and mark it from Thunderbird Field, Paradise Valley, Phoenix, Arizona.