Tom asks Elaine to help him with Christmas shopping for their aunts, uncles and cousins. He finished his flying hours for his Primary Flight Training and is now ready to move on to his Basic Flight Training.

Just a note tonight to ask you about something I forgot last night in my letter. About this years Christmas for the Aunts, Uncles & cousins. How about me pitching in with you folks on the deal. I have the money but not the time. If this is OK with you just let me know how much money you want and I’ll send it. I hope this is OK. and it will really help me alot. What ever the cost is just let me know.
I finished up my flying time today and really had a time. Was up doing 3 hrs. of acrobatics and really know it tonight. It is about as rough on a person as a game of football.
Give Karen a kiss for me.
With love,