Wed. night.
Dear Folks,
I was going to write last night but we had flying critique which lasted till 9:30. Well, I have alot to tell you so I guess I might as well start. We have just about finished primary and it shouldn’t be long till we will be flying BT’s. I had my army check ride Sat. and I really gave the Lt. a pretty good ride. However, I forgot to check the time that we took off and he really gave me hell as well as made me walk an hour tour. He really expected a good deal and after going through a real long check list he told me to take off, leave the pattern, climb up, do a chandelle to the rt. and left, a lazy eight to the rt. and left, a turning stall to the right, a rudder exercise to the left, a snap roll, a slow roll, a two turn power on spin to the left, and then fly a cross road eight and come home. He told me all this in one breath and you have to remember it all in order and do it. While we were in the spin he called back “force landing” and there just happened to be a nice big field handy which served the purpose. It was my first crack at the army check and I think Long John was pretty well pleased because I was the first in our bunch to pass it, the other four had all failed their first one.

They have there [sic] rechecks tomorrow. All I have to do now is finish up my flying times, pass my ground school courses and I guess I’ll be through primary. I certainly didn’t think I would ever make it, but I really think I get more fun out of flying now than did at first. Now that we can practice acrobatics it takes the monotony out of the other less interesting things. I have about 55 hrs. in all together and will get 10 more while here. We will be leaving for basic about the first week in Dec.
I received a letter from Dad today and it sounds like he is all set to start to work in Chicago the first of the year. He really sounds all enthused about the whole thing. I really think it is the best thing for him and I am sure he will like it and it will keep him busy. If he stayed at home he would either have to quit entirely or else keep right on going and either would be impossible. He said in the afternoon that he would be there in the same building with Stan filling out reports.[1]Stan worked at the Kemper Insurance Company in data processing. The building was located at 4750 North Sheridan Road. That certainly seems funny doesn’t it? It really sounds like he got a good deal and I am really proud of him for getting such a good position and starting out on something new.

He told me that Karen was making up with him and I’ll bet he will really enjoy being around her more as well as being around you folks.
I received your letter of 11-18 and needless to say I certainly enjoyed it. It sounds like you folks have really been having a busy time as well as having alot of visitors.
About Christmas: There isn’t much that I need but underware [sic] or socks always come in plenty handy. Socks are size 11 1/2 and military brown. Under ware [sic] size is 32. Nothing like telling you just what I want.
My Christmas shopping is really going to be a problem because we will be confined for 2 wks. in basic and I don’t know when we will be able to shop.
I think I have really got my air legs now because I get plenty hungry but the food is still lousy. It certainly doesn’t seem like tomorrow is Thanksgiving because as far as we are concerned it is just another day. I doubt if we even get a special meal but they might surprise us. However, I’ll be thinking of you folks and wishing I could be with you.
Give Karen a special big Thanksgiving kiss and a happy Thanksgiving to you all.
With love,

↑1 | Stan worked at the Kemper Insurance Company in data processing. The building was located at 4750 North Sheridan Road. |