Sun. night.
Dear Folks,
I have really gotten behind on my letter writing this week. This has been the hardest week I have put in yet but I really made headway. I got 14 hours of flying in in six days which isn’t so bad. After getting 12 hrs. of sleep last night I really feel rested and all ready to start another week and the way things look the next three weeks will be plenty rugged because we have to get 35 hours in that time. So far to date I have 30 hrs. in and I have accomplished with a fair amount of success the art of doing slow rolls, snap rolls, loops, chandelle’s, lazy eights and the basic maneuvers.
My force landings have to be improved on but it takes a while to develope[sic] your judgement on them. I passed my spot landing stage [1]Without using the engine, land the plane, touching down within a large white circle on the runway.last Wed. which wasn’t too tough. To tell you the truth I am really beginning to feel at home in one of these Stearman’s. Maybe some day I can take you all up for a ride.
We really had a swell dust storm here yesterday afternoon and there is about 1/4″ of sand all over our floors. You should see one of them (dust storms); you can close all the windows and doors and it stills [sic] comes in. However, in between dust storms the weather here has really b een swell. The nights get pretty cold but the days are really nice, in fact we usually get a dip in the pool every day.

I received the Advocates [2]Greenville Advocate, Tom’s home town newspaper and there was really alot of the home town news that I hadn’t heard. Thanks alot for sending them.
The way things sounded the folks must have had a good time while in Chicago. I got a letter from Cleda the other day talking about Dad being in the hospital. I got a letter yesterday from Dad and he seems to be better and back to work. I was tickled at Dad he told me that he and Karen got along alot better and he thought that if he could be with her more that they would really hit it off good.
The new class arrived last week and start flying tomorrow. It is usually very amusing to watch their landings for awhile, anything can happen and usually does.
Well enough for now, give Karen a kiss for me.
Goodnight –
With love,

↑1 | Without using the engine, land the plane, touching down within a large white circle on the runway. |
↑2 | Greenville Advocate, Tom’s home town newspaper |