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“Army Specialized Training Program)). That was what he wanted in and going to Princeton sounds pretty good. Things here have been going pretty good. We have been flying everyday but not very long at a time, however, time amounts up faster after you have soloed. Yesterday it rained all day but we sti…”

Sun. afternoon
Dear Folks,
Received your letter yesterday and I imagine by this time you have received my letter about the gift preference.
I liked the story you sent, it just goes to show a fellow hasn’t got a chance.

I was glad to hear that Karl((Karl Abt)) got into ASTP((Army Specialized Training Program)). That was what he wanted in and going to Princeton sounds pretty good.
Things here have been going pretty good. We have been flying everyday but not very long at a time, however, time amounts up faster after you have soloed. Yesterday it rained all day but we still flew. The air was nice and smooth but a little damp. We shot landings for about an hour and the more we did the more I bounced them. You should have heard “Long John“, he was really using that vocabulary I told you of.

I didn’t now Cleda was in Chicago. Have you heard when Dad was going to come up?
We start getting our weekend passes next weekend. They last from about 7:00 P.M. Sat. till 8:00 P.M. Sun. It is really good not to be having Sun. parades any more.
I don’t know yet when Zoe is coming out probably in a couple of weeks.
It is beginning to get cooler here and we are suppose to get flying jackets soon. We went up to 6,000′ yesterday and I just about froze. I changed the fur line helmet I had for a canvas one and now I wish I hadn’t. However, it was small and the Gosports didn’t fit it well. Everything has to be so tight on your head you usually get a head ache. The wind gets so strong it just about blows your goggles off.
I want to write Dad and send him a book of matches. Give Karen a kiss for me.
With Love,
Sending a note for Zoe’s gift.