Wed. night.
Dear Folks,
I have only a few min. but received your letter today and wanted to answer it.
About my grades at Santa Ana, my average was 90. Code pulled it down because I only got an 80 in it. We are suppose to be here 8 weeks and then comes basic and advanced so you can see there is still a good ways to go.

This is the roughest place we have hit yet. We haven’t any time to eat and I missed one meal (lunch) entirely yesterday. I have about the toughest instructor on the field. He reminds me of “Long John Silver”, , his name is John B Harbin so I call him Long John. (not too his face). He’s about 6’3″, about 40 years old and has a vocabulary that doesn’t belong in church. He was on my neck for an hour straight today and believe me it can really get on your nerves. Aside from all this it isn’t too bad. The first day up he made that plane do everything and consequently my stomach has been on the blink eveer since, however, I didn’t lose anything I certainly felt like it.
How is Karen? I hope the bump she received is all better now. Did it hurt her much at the time. I hope Mama kissed it and made it better.

I am glad the hair pulling has improved.
About the present: Any of those you listed sounded good and I hadn’t thought of a thing. The dresser set and the sterling silver clips sound good. As far as the price that is up to your own judgement.
Stan I hope you won one of the golf prizes but I don’t think you stand a chance at getting the highest score.
Well I fly at 7:00 so had better get some sleep. The Lord knows that I need it. I hope my stomach settles in the next 8 hours.
Give Karen a kiss for me.
With love,