Dear Dad,
Waited till today before I answered your letter to try and find out alittle more about your coming out here. The Perkins said you can get a Southern Pacific train out of St. Louis that take you direct to Phoenix in about 36 hours. Gets in here sometime in the morning. I think your best bet would be to come the 12th of June if possible. Because we don’t know how long we will be here and it is rumored that civilian travel is going to be curtailed. It will be good to see you and I hope the trip won’t put you too far behind in your work. Let me know when you are coming as soon as possible. When you arrive in Phoenix Mrs. Perkins said for you to call them from the station. I don’t think I will be able to get off until 2:00 P.M. Sat., but you can use their car. Tempe is only about 8 mi. Their number is 4-2478.

We have stayed at their home every weekend so far, but we don’t know for how much longer we will get overnight passes.
I am going to have to close, we have parade in a few minutes. This is mainly to let you know about coming out. Let me know of your plans as soon as you are certain.
Love, Tom
I’ll write again in a day or two. I got Cleda’s letter and will answer it soon.