You must have thought that I had forgotten how to write. On the contrary, though I have been writing out so many navigation and Physics problems that I haven’t had time for much letter writing.
Things are going pretty well but everyone is anxious to move on to something new. We will supposedly be here for 5 months but the way they have been piling on the work we will start flying about the 1st of July. As soon as we get in 10 hrs. flying time we go on to Santa Anna. The new training program takes about 15 months all together, however, you can wash out anywhere along the way as several have already found out.
I wish I could send you folks alittle of this weather. It has only rained twice since we arrived here and that was 9 weeks ago. The nights are still cool but the afternoons have been getting plenty warm. It has hit 110° several times.
Dad tells me that they are drafting alot of the married men. It appears that they are certainly set on getting a large army. I guess this means alot more work for you, Mr. Foran.

I guess Zoe is beginning to get alittle excited about graduation. It doesn’t hardly seem possible that she should be graduating already. It seems like only yesterday that we were in high school together. At that time I didn’t think I would ever be going to Arizona State College let alone be in the army.
We have plenty of work here but I like all the subjects except English. Our schedule is 17 hours a day. Up at 5:15, class from 7 to 10 then drill till 11:00, afternoon classes from 1 till 3:00 and then calesthenics till 4:30; retreat at 5:00; classes in the evening from 6 till 8 and then study till ten. That two hours from 8 till 10 in the evening doesn’t give one much time to prepare for History, English, navigation, Physics and Geography. Most of the profs are understanding enough to go easy on the assignments but the History prof keeps giving about 50 pages to read every night. However, none of us have read 50 pages in the book yet. It is hard to understand what History or English has to do with flying a plane.
I know you folks are busy but if you can find time I would like to hear from you, –
Yours, truly,