Dear Folks,
I have lost track when I wrote you last. I hope it wasn’t too long ago. I was going to write last night but we had an exam in History today and I as well has 99.9% of the other fellows had only read about 2 pages of the assigned work.
We really had a swell time in Phoenix over the weekend. Mrs. Perkins called me Thurs. to make sure Sam and I were coming. They drove us out Sun. afternoon and had us bring a small radio back that they had in their home. All four of us in the room are getting the full benefit from it. That reminds me Mr. Perkins is going to have the State Engineers magazine sent to you. I am sending you a couple of copies that he gave. In the colored one there are several pictures of places we have seen on trips. The more I see of this country and climate the better I like it even if it is pretty warm.

My flight won the squadron competition and next Sun. we march for the post competition. I am acting corporal. They are short of commissioned officers here so most of it is run by student officers. Flight Lt. wear green arm bands with their flt. no. on them and then squad leaders have to were(sic) the same type bands only black. Our flight really has close order drill down pat. All of us got 2 merits for winning so far and will get more if we win next Sun.
The Perkins and myself think you folks should come out here for a visit. Dad, I don’t (know) how busy you are now but we will probably be here till July so that should give you enough time to decide. I doubt if we can get a leave for at least a year. A 150 pulled out of here for Santa Anna Sat. and a new bunch were suppose to come in today but they haven’t come yet.

I have three Navigation prob. to do yet tonight and it is 9:00 now.
Cleda, the canned potatoes were really swell. I don’t think any one in the place had received any thing quite like it. If any of that uses your ration coupons you really shouldn’t do it. Thanks alot.
I hope you can read this.
Love Tom.