Tom has just arrived at the Arizona State Teachers College (now Arizona State University) for 5 months of training in primarily academic subjects such as math and physics. This phase of training was “CTP” or College Training Program.
Tempe, Ariz.

Dear Folks,
Arrived in here at noon. We’ll be attending Arizona State College for next 5 mo. if nothing happens. It is just like living in a frat. Four fellows to a room but so far they have been pretty strict. We are suppose to get some flying here but mostly academic courses. From what I hear, math, Physics, etc.
It is really beautiful here and not much different than N.U.[1]Northwestern University
We spent Sun in Los Angeles like I said but we had to stay together. We went though Olivia St. Remember when we went though this before? It is the same in fact I saw some turtles like I got before.
Love, Tom

↑1 | Northwestern University |