Tues. afternoon.

After hunting up the mail sgt. I finally got your letter. My mail is still alittle mixed up, however, use the J flight address and I will get it ok. Our group number changes everyday. I was up for an hour today, I will get in four hours time this week and five next. That is as far as the schedule is made out so far, we might not be here any longer. I have a good instructor, he lets you do everything, I think I get to take it off tomorrow. I have so many do’s and don’ts cramed in my head that I get all mixed up. There are so many planes coming in and out of the air port that there are really alot of rules which have to be followed. There is a TWA airliner coming in about every 15 min. and it wouldn’t be very pleasant to run into one of them. Two B25‘s landed and took off this morning while we were there. Now that we are flying we have to be in bed at 9:00. We are at the field all morning and when we aren’t flying we are in ground school. I didn’t think I did very well this morning but the instructor said it was ok except on the banks I would pull the nose up to high. There is always something that has to be corrected. Several fellows got sick one happens to be my roommate and he’s still in bed. It seems to me that there is so much to do and to think of you wouldn’t have time to get sick. (Retreat, will finish this later)

(6:10 P.M. or 18:10)
To further disjoint this letter I will probably have to finish this after calesthenics. We have caesthenics from 7-8 P.M. now. However, it shouldn’t be very tough because our tactical officer is going to give it to us and he doesn’t believe in over exertion of the human body. Seven o’clock is suppose to be the hottest part of the day here because of the war time and being so close to the Pacific Time Belt.
From the sound of your letter you must really be turning into a house-wife. I wouldn’t mind sampling some of your cooking, it wouldn’t have to be much better to beat what we get here. The food was ok when we first came but seems to be getting worse as go along.
Lat Sat. night Mrs. Perkins had got dates for Sam and I. They had made reservations in the Corinthian Room at one of the hotels in Phoenix. It was the first time I had danced since leaving Chicago. The girl was pretty nice she had graduated the same year with Bebe at Stevens. I had a good time and it was a good change but it would have been alot better if you had been there.
It appears that I still have a great deal of competition. Even if he is in the paratroopers I still hold alot of respect for them. I am going to have to get ready for gym so will close for the present.

(8:30 P.M.)
Third installment coming up.
I heard from Dad today saying that he was coming this weekend, either Fri. or Sat. I won’t be able to see him till 2 PM Sat. and won’t be able to see him after 3 PM Sun. I think he plans on going back Sun. night.
I don’t know if I told you are not but two of my roommates are mormons. Both are about the best fellows in the flight. All the fellows in the flight are pretty athletic and would rather box than eat. The flight leader holds the middle weight championship. Needless to say there isn’t much horse play.
Dad is suppose to bring my pen so I will try to make the next letter so you can read it. I can’t even read this one. Almost bedtime – Goodnight –
All my love, Tom
P.S. How can I have all your love when there is still the paratrooper?