Dear Folks,
As you can tell from the address I am now in “J” flight. I start flying Mon. which is something to look forward to. There were two from M that were transferred, supposedly it was based on grades so it is some sort of an honor. As soon as we get in our flying time we go on to Santa Anna which means at least by the 1st of July. As soon as we start flying we are placed in “Groups” instead of “flights” I don’t know what my Group number will be but will let you know later. I hope we get to fly in the mornings because its not very rough then, however, you don’t need to worry so very much about running into any rain. One more thing about flying which is different and that is you get $75 a month which won’t be hard to take.

I got a letter from Bob Blizzard today and was really shocked to hear of Mr. Luther’s death. Bob said he wrote you about it, it doesn’t hardly seem possible when he was in such good health. It is too bad he didn’t have a family to be remembered by, but the Fraternity was his family and believe me, there are fellows all over the world that will remember him. I didn’t know what to do, there isn’t anywhere to send a telegram that I know of except to the fraternity.
I have to pack yet tonight, I am suppose to move in the morning. I hope I get in with a bunch of fellows that are as good as these I am with now.
Haven’t heard yet if you are coming this next week end, but remember if you do, call Mrs. Perkins and I will tell her the details. I won’t get off till 3:00 P.M. Sat. we have to run Sat. morning. Her phone is 4-2478.
Looking forward to seeing you –
Love, Tom