Dear Folks,
As you can see we finally got our address and it wasn’t Tenn of which I am kind of glad. It is true it would have been closer to home but in the army you can be six blocks from home and still not get there. Any more mail that you send, send it to Sant Ana, however, don’t send my razor till I have a more definite address. For only being in the army 4 months I have covered a good deal of country. The trouble is that this will be the second time I have gone over this track.
So far this week they have been letting us rest up and thank goodness for that. I can’t see why anyone would want to live in this country during the summer. I don’t think I have ever been so hot for so long in all my life. You should see some of the contraptions some of the fellows have in there (sic) rooms trying to keep it alittle cooler. We hang wet towels and sheets all over the beds every night but it doesn’t help much. Yesterday we went swimming from 10 A.M. till 2 P.M. This morning I had to go out to the field and get my notebook. Tonight we have a post dance which is sort of a farewell party for those of us that are leaving, they have one about every month.

Dad I received your letters and thanks alot for the pictures I was wondering how they turned out. I didn’t think Eddie Greer was going to have to go into the army till he got out of med-school. He had already been accepted.
I am glad the shoes fit you because they are good shoes and should be broke in enough so they won’t hurt your feet. It sounds as if the draft is taking just about everyone at home. They will soon have just about all they can get. I also received a letter from Grandma yesterday, I hadn’t expect to hear from her this soon. I am going to write her tomorrow. It sounded like you are getting some heat there also. I guess after all that rain the humidity is up too.
Mr. and Mrs. Perkins are coming out to see me Fri. evening. I will be able to see them for a short time. We won’t get off any this weekend and they wanted to see me before we left.
I want to write Elaine and Zoe yet this afternoon and this was mainly to let you know the address. I will write again before we leave. We leave this Sat. night.