Dear Mr. and Mrs. Foran,
I have been trying to find time to write this for the last several days. I certainly do want to thank you for the box of cookies and candy. They were really swell. By the way, my roommates seemed to enjoy them also so I am sure that they send their thanks.
I hope you folks aren’t going through any of this hot weather. It has been hitting 115° about every day for the past few weeks and the nights aren’t much better. I am glad I don’t have to go through much more of it.
We finished our flying last Thurs. and will be leaving here in the very near future probably for Santa Anna but we won’t know that for certain till we get there. They flying went pretty well and the more I do the better I like it. We didn’t get to solo here but our last check ride wasn’t much different than a solo because the instructor just went along for the ride.

It didn’t seem that Zoe got much of a vacation before summer school. I think she is getting anxious to graduate, of which I can’t blame her. She told me about working in the chem. dept. at school, it will probably be pretty good experience.
I think you knew that Dad came out here. We had a good visit even though it was awful short. I only got a 25 hr. pass but he was anxious to get back because my Grandmother was sick when he left. However, I think she is alright now.
I am going to have to make this letter short because it is almost time for taps and I have enough demerits already. Thanks again for the package.
Yours sincerely,