Dear Folks,
It seems that I haven’t written for some time, but the days are passing so fast I can hardly keep track of them.
I finished flying Thurs. on which day I had my check ride. It went ok even though it was plenty rough. We didn’t do much low work because there was about a 25 mph. wind but spent most of the time doing spins and stalls. On this check ride the instructor isn’t suppose to do a thing. The hardest thing for me was my landing. The takeoff went ok but coming down I would get about 10′ above the ground and a gust of wind would raise us up again, I finally got it down but I was beginning to wonder about it. They aren’t allowed to show us our grades but he said I did ok and would get a good recomendation )(sic) in flying.

Dad, I got your letter yesterday and thanks alot for the dollar. My stamps were getting low even though I do owe everyone a letter. I have been working on a notebook which we have to turn in for flying this Mon. It is suppose to be pretty complete which will contain all the manuevers (sic) and comments made.
This weekend will be our last pass because next weekend we all have to stay together till we leave.
We have parade in a few minutes which will be our last one here. It is going to be plenty warm. I think all of us sort of hate to leave here even if we wouldn’t admit it but it really hasn’t been so awful bad. I don’t know what they have planned for us next week. I hear we are going to take some hikes and spend alot of the time in the pool. My own opinion is that we will be cleaning the barracks.
Will try to let you know something definite soon.