Hello Honey,
I certainly hope the weather is better for living there than it is here. I was beginning to think Arizona was a pretty good state but if it doesn’t get alittle cooler I will be forced to change my mind. I hope California is alittle better.
I had my last flight lesson this morning and have finally mastered landings and taking off. I have my check flight in the morning at 8:30. It includes everything we had on the last check as well as stalls, spins, landings and spirals. I wish we could solo hereĀ but I guess we will have to wait till primary.
All kinds of hell have been breaking loose in the “flight” the last two days. Sun. night three fellows went AWOL and were caught. Now the officers think there were several more that went also and as a result we are all catching it. Five fellows have 15 gigs which means they walk 10 hrs. this Sun. I have five and one more and no pass this weekend.

I got to see Sam for a few minutes this morning and they have dropped History and English but I guess they are still pretty busy. They fly next and will probably start July 5th. Sam never has been up before so he doesn’t know if he is going to like it or not. I don’t think I would have gotten in the air corps without having taken a plane ride.
The Lt. was telling us alittle about Santa Anna. We won’t get to leave the post for 6 weeks and the first two weeks will be spent in taking physical exams and different mental tests. Will probably be there for 9 weeks.
Honey, I hope I am forgiven for not (sending) your letters to the right place but you never did tell me when you were going back to school. I’ll try to keep better track of you and you try to keep me better informed. O.K.?
It’s time for C.A.R. class.
All my love,