Dear Folks,
Have a few minutes before going to calesthenics. We have them from 7 to 8 P.M. and it is just about the hottest time of day. Believe me Dad you got out of here just in time. It has been 115° and hasn’t been getting any cooler at night. Last night and the night before I got up several times to wash my face and everytime there were a couple of fellows in taking showers. I think I have slept about 2 hrs. in the two nights I certainly hope it gets cooler tonight.
I think we are to leave the weekend of the 3rd. They told us today that we wouldn’t be able to send any more laundry or cleaning and most of us finish our flying this weekend. I have my final check flight either Fri. or Sat. We have been working on stalls and spins the last couple lessons and shot several landings today.
Cleda, I received your letter, I am glad you folks got to go to Decatur and found Grandma so much better. I wrote her several days ago.

I am on the early flight schedule again tomorrow morning. It certainly seems funny going to bed at 9: P.M. when it is still light and getting up at 4: A.M. when it is dark. It mixes everything up for the rest of the day.
When we go to calesthenics tonight we will run around the track a couple of times (½ mile) and then have a few exercises and end the period playing any game you choose such as basketball, baseball, volleyball or tumbling. By the time we get back and shower it’s time for bed.
We have been having a rough time of it today. A couple of the boys left without telling anyone Sun. evening for a short time and things are going pretty tough. Each one of them got 15 gigs and this morning there were 160 gigs given to J+K flights. I got two which gives me four so it is a good thing tomorrow is Wed. or I might be in this weekend.
Well I have to get ready so will close. This is just to let you know whats going on . We all have to have patches on our arms now. We had to get them over the weekend and have them on Mon.