No, I don’t know if I was interested in knowing that John was going to see you are not, I do know that I envied him. Who knows maybe I’ll get to see you again someday.
You have probably received some of my letters by now. Did your folks forward one to you that I sent to your home? I tried to tell you a few things in it so I hope you received it.[1]Yes, they forwarded it to her on June 17th.
This morning I took some cleaning down to supply and we can’t send anything else out after next Mon. which probably means we will be leaving a week from this Sat. I hope they don’t censor this letter or I will catch hell. We will probably get our change of address pretty soon so I will let you know as soon as I find out. I have my last check flight this Thurs. That will give me about 12 hrs. but only 10 hrs. of logged time. I hope this check ride goes as well as the other one did.

Fri. one of the training planes lost a wheel, maybe I told you about it. Neither the student or instructor were hurt but if he hadn’t made such a beautiful landing it could have been pretty bad. It fell off when they were about 50′ in the air. It was really exciting with all the fire engines and crash trucks around. The plane turned over so it sort of got torn up, but it taught all of us a lesson. You should see how close everyone is checking his plane now before taking off.
This Arizona weather is really beginning to get bad. Yesterday in Phoenix it was 115° in the shade and it didn’t get much cooler during the night. I think I got about 2 hrs. of sleep and I got up several times to wash my face and everytime there were about 3 fellows taking showers. A couple more nights like that and we won’t be fit for anything.
I hope you are making it ok in your job. Do you find the Chinese very hard to get along with? There are several Chinese cadets out here and they all seem like pretty nice fellows. I was talking to one the other day, he had only been in this country about 5 months and is already flying P40’s. He expected to be through in a couple more months and would then be sent back to China supposedly ready for combat flying. It sounds to me that they are making canon fodder out of most of them.

I received a box from your folks yesterday, we had quite a feast last night. Of course my three roommates had to get their share but even at that I still got alot.
The weekend was very dull but it was the second time I have broken my vow not to drink till after primary. However, before we leave on pass all the officers tell us to take all we can so maybe it’s good for us. Sam and I cooked our supper at the Perkins’ and really did a pretty good job. Your letter was here when I came back yesterday afternoon and it was very encouraging (spelt with dis-) about John coming and spending the afternoon with a frat brother and friend. Don’t you think I used good judgment in waiting till today to write?
Honey, I can’t help getting jealous and I don’t think I am abnormal in that respect. Sometimes I wonder if you are just kidding me along or what, because I don’t know what’s going on back there. I swear to God that I am playing fair with you and believe me in an army town like this there are alot of times a person could forget what he’s doing but honey you certainly have alot of influence with me even if we are 2,000 miles apart.
All my love,

↑1 | Yes, they forwarded it to her on June 17th. |