Dear Dad,
Received your card when I got back from the field, this morning. It was really swell and I am sorry I can’t get away to send you something but I guess this letter along with the dinner we had last Sat. night will have to do for my Father’s Day Greetings. Happy Father’s Day and I will be thinking of you.
I took my check ride yesterday and did pretty well according to the instructor, however, I had done alot better but it was a different plane and the pressure was on. We had alittle excitement this morning, the plane that took off just in front of us lost a wheel on the takeoff after it got about 30 ft. in the air. We signaled to them and landed. The student in it lives right across the hall from me. They had everything out on the field, two crash trucks, fire engine and the captain made record breaking time in coming from Tempe. It was really a thrill to watch the fellow land and he really did a good job. However when the axle touched the ground the plane flopped over on its back and mashed the wing and tail but neither the instructor or student were hurt. They took the boy to William’s Field for a complete physical right away which they do in all cases to clear the government at a later date. The fellow seemed quite happy about the whole thing and I guess it was good experience because you won’t always have an instructor sitting with you. They said this was the first accident they have had at the field for ages and that is really a good record considering all the planes coming in there. I would hate to think of the wrecks they would have had with the same number of cars in the same place. I wouldn’t tell you this if I thought it would worry you but you know enough about accidents to know that they happen other places than in the air. As for myself I feel safer in that plane than I do anywhere else.

I was really glad to hear that Grandma was better. She certainly is a remarkable woman. I feel awfully guilty having not written her lately but will try to get a letter off to her this afternoon.
Your train was really late I hope it didn’t put you too far behind in your plans.
If you get a chance tell Uncle Leslie I received his letter and will write him soon.
You got out of this country just in time because it has really been hot the past couple of days.
I didn’t get any more gigs so I get my pass this weekend. All you have to do is watch your step and you won’t get any except mayve a couple for a dirty room.
I have a C.A.R. class in a few minutes so will close –
With love,