Tom is getting ready for a 25-hour pass into Phoenix, where he has arranged to see the Perkins. This is his first pass.

Dear Folks,
We got paid this morning so we didn’t have drill. I have a few minutes so thought I would drop you a card.
I called the Perkins last night and have made arrangements to see them Sat. after noon. This is my first pass. Sam and I are going in together. We are going to try and get a room and get a good’s night sleep. After a week of this schedule I think all the boys have about decided to spend their 25 hrs. sleeping. Tomorrow morning we have a big time. Calesthenics from 7: to 9:, drill from 9:00 to 10:00, swimming from 10:00-12: and sometime in there we are to GI rooms.
Love, Tom.