Sun. noon.

Dear Folks,
I am going to hold this letter over till tomorrow because I have some pictures that are suppose to be ready then. The picture with the four of us are my roommates. Sam’s home is in New J. but he has a brother in Chicago who he stayed with while going to N.U.

I told you once that I had a Sylabus paid for from school. It might be a good idea if you would type a short note to the editor and put 25⊄ in stamps in with it to have it sent home. I don’t think they will send it without this. Just address the letter to Northwestern Sylabus Editor, N.U. Evanston, Ill.[1]Northwestern Syllabus is the undergraduate school yearbook.

I am getting farther and farther behind in my letter writing everyday. Grandma and I have been keeping up a close correspondence. I am going to have to write her today sometime. However, I have a test in Navigation and Geography tomorrow.
(I will add more to this tomorrow.)
(Mon. night)
I just got back from Navigation class, I found out that the pictures won’t be ready till tomorrow so I hope you aren’t getting too anxious for this letter.

I got a swell letter from Harold Schneider yesterday. I wrote him a short letter last night, he wanted to know about the training here and what my plans were from here on. He must be in charge of the Med. dept. there because a Col. is pretty high up. At Fresno the commanding officer of the post (14,000 men) was only a Col.
Dad, to answer a few of your questions, I haven’t seen any snakes around here and haven’t heard about any but there is alot of trouble with scorpions. We have been lectured on them and several have been found in the barracks but as yet I haven’t seen any in the room.
The only treatment is packing the part of the body in ice thus slowing up the spread of toxins and giving the body time to combat them. They are really a problem on field hikes etc.

I certainly do remember that trip down through here and if you remember how the weather was when we were in Phoenix you have a good idea of how it is here tonight. In the afternoon it has been hitting 100°. They are suppose to start feeding us salt tablets soon. Believe me these afternoon calesthenics and Sun. parades really get you warm.
Last Sun. Sam and I went to the mormon church here in Tempe to see what it was like. They had a communion service which I think they have every week anyway they wanted us to take charge of it and pass everything out. We refused and went in the ______ ________[2]Not legible. This sentence was crossed out by Dr. Cartmell and not transcribed by him. They do alot of singing and every once in a while some one gets up and makes a speech. They must have thought we were one of Brigham Yon’s followers.

Elaine had wrote me that Steve had visited her. I guess about all those fellows are going on invasion barges. I have a feeling that he won’t have to wait much more than a year to see action and maybe by that time I would be part of his air support.
Don’t try to write so often if you haven’t time but get to bed early and try to get plenty of sleep. It sounds funny me telling you this but I mean it.
I will close for tonight, I have to shave yet and that is one thing they gig you heavy for.
(Tues. noon)
We just found out that our passes are canceled for this weekend. Everyone is pretty sore about it and I guess some have a right to be. Alot of the fellows that are married were having there wives come out so you can imagine how they are taking it.
I received the box of popcorn balls today and they are really good. We are keeping them hidden in the closet so that our room will get the full benefit from them. Two of my roommates had never eaten or heard of them. They were packed plenty good because there are alot in the box and none are broken.
We have to fall out for English class now so will close. I think I can get the pictures right after class so I guess this will be the last installment of this letter.
Love, Tom