Tues. night.

Dear Folks,
Just a few minutes before taps but I will probably get a chance to finish this in the morning.
Things have been going O.K. but I am going to have to go over to Williams Field to have my teeth fixed. I think the other 3 wisdoms are going to have to come out. I dread it because they will probably want to take them all out at once. However, they have been bothering me abit and I better get them taken care of before we go to pre-flight. I also caught an elbo in my right eye while playing basketball this afternoon which must have pulled that muscle again but it feels better tonight. I have been keeping a cold cloth on it. This is just about all of my troubles and it is time for taps so will finish this tomorrow.
(Wed. morning.)

I guess I shouldn’t have gone on sick call this morning because I am confined to quarters. I had alittle temp I think about 99. The doctor thinks my whole trouble is with my teeth but he said he wasn’t going to send me to Williams Field till my temp was down and I got rid of the cold. They really go for sulfa drugs in a big way here. He gave me two different kinds of them to take. Don’t worry about me because I don’t feel at all bad in fact I was really surprised when he said I had a temp. However, I can use the sleep and as soon as I get these teeth out I will be as goood as new. A coup[le of the fellows from my flight have had teeth fixed over there and they say the dentist knows their stuff.
They are really getting us in pretty good condition. I don’t have hardly any trouble running the mile now. We also get to start swimming next week I think I will be an instructor. They came around and wanted to know who had had senior life saving and there were just a few of us. I think it would be alot of fun.

We get to go into town a week from this week end and I have made arrangements to have some pictures made so will get some to you as soon as possible. Some of the fellows have taken snapshots I don’t know how good they will turn out but I will send you one.
I had better get into bed or I will catch heck if the sarge come in. Sorry I haven’t written you sooner but I will try to do better.