Sat. noon.

Dear Folks,
The weeks are rolling by pretty fast. We had a chance to go up town today so I had a chance to get alittle paper to write letters on.
It has really got cooler here the past few days. In fact even sleeping here in the room Sam and I wear long underware to bed and put our overcoats over the bed. However, I can really sleep but I have a heck of a time getting up at 5:15. Sam is as hard to get up as I am so you can imagine how fast we have to rush in the last 5 minutes. Sam’s last name is Ashcroft he went to N.U. and he reminds me alot of Steve. He is going with a girl from St. Louis who just graduated from nurses training. She took most of her training at the Lutheran Hospital.

It seems like all the fellows girls that I know are named Elaine. Bud Spencer’s wife is named Elaine and so is Sam’s. It must be a pretty popular name.
The speech I made about you went over pretty good. It wasn’t in a regular class but in military indoctrination. The Lt. is in charge of.
I didn’t get my grades from N.U. but Sam’s were sent to his home. Did they come to you.
I will keep most of these travelers checks but I might not keep the full $80.00. We are suppose to get paid Thurs. I think it will only be $20.00 then and the rest we will get later on in the month.
The school work isn’t very hard but will probably get worse. My grades are O.K. I got a 99 on the first Eng. test and I don’t like the course. The others are much more interesting especially Navigation.

New post regulations start this Mon. They are even tougher. From Sun. at 3: P.M. till the following Sat 2: P.M. we aren’t allowed to talk to any civilians. However, starting 2 weeks from this weekend we will get 20 hr. passes. From Sat. afternoon till Sun. afternoon. If you ever did come out here I don’t know if I would get to see you any more than then or not. From what I hear this is the toughest C.T.D. in the country as far as discipline goes. I think all the fellows here are living for that 20 hr. pass. I will look up these addresses of these people you gave me and go see them.
We have calesthenics in a few minutes so had better close. The first thing we do out there is run around the track 4 times (a good mile). That tires me out more than anything we do.
Tell Agnes hello.
Love, Tom