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“his small training aircraft) I think Dad enjoyed his visit even if it was pretty short. It was funny; Mrs. Perkins asked why Cleda didn’t come and Dad said that there wasn’t much time for a visit and that he wanted all of my free time. I think he told Cleda that traveling conditions wer…”
Wed. morning.

Dear Folks,
Just received your letter written on the 11th. Today I don’t have hardly a thing to do except think about what I am suppose to do on my check ride ((Check ride = evaluation of basic flying skills))tomorrow morning .I have had six lessons so far which amounts to about 5 hrs. in the air. Things are going pretty good and my instructor seems to think I am doing ok. However, I don’t know what the fellow who I have my check ride tomorrow will think. I am not worried about it because I think I can do everything we have had so far.

We are not suppose to solo here but my instructor told me yesterday that he would feel safe enough to let me solo after one more lesson. My worse trouble is in taking off I have a hard time in keeping the tail from swinging – till we get off the ground. There are alot of rules and regulations which they are very strict about at the airport. Airliners and alot of army planes are coming in all the time and it is really pretty crowded and I would hate to run into anything – with our little Interstates. ((his small training aircraft)
I think Dad enjoyed his visit even if it was pretty short. It was funny; Mrs. Perkins asked why Cleda didn’t come and Dad said that there wasn’t much time for a visit and that he wanted all of my free time. I think he told Cleda that traveling conditions were too bad.
I don’t think she liked the whole thing very well. We really had a swell time. We used Mr. Perkins’ car so we didn’t have any trouble getting around.

Karen must really be getting her choppers. You should have heard Dad brag about her to the Perkins. He said you folks were going to Wisconsin for a week and then to Greenville a week.
The rest of the fellows in the flight have been living here ever since they came which was about Feb. 28th. We have alot more free time now but I don’t know where it goes. We have to be in bed by 9:00 P.M. when flying and depending which group we are in sometimes get up at 4:10 A.M. and fly about 6:30.
We have had all our low pattern work in flying. Such things as rectangular course, S turns, elementary 8’s, two bank 8’s, and then practice about everyday on force landings. It seems that they want us to know that pretty good. Sometimes when he shuts the motor off and you start looking for a place to land all the places look so small that a sparrow would have trouble landing. However, when you get lower things appear larger. We have also been working on power on, and power off stalls up at 2500! Yesterday he showed me some “lazy eights,” and a chandel(sp?)((A Chandelle is a 180 degree climbing turn.)) It didn’t seem so difficult, but the “flying turns” are mild compared to it.

It is almost time to go to lunch so will sign off. Stan, you better start worrying about Karen getting any more teeth or she will be eating all your cookies.
Love, Tom
Happy Fathers’ Day