Mon. morning.

Dear Folks,
Since I last wrote to you alot has happened. As you can see I am no longer in Flight M but flight J. Fir. night they told me that I and one other fellow from M were being transfered to J. I got out of 4 exams and start flying in about 45 min. No more classes except C.A.R. (civil air regulations and fly 4 times one week and 5 the next, keep alternating that way supposedly for a month and then go to Santa Anna. [1]Santa Ana Army Air Base in CaliforniaWe are only suppose to get 10 hrs. while here for much longer than 3 weeks. Flights G, H and I shipped out last night and they were only flying a little over a week. We are next on the list. You should see these living quarters here. I move in to the new dorm. There are two men to a room with a sleeping room off to the side:
All the drawers and cabinets are built in, flourescent (sp?) lights, venetian blinds, big new easy chairs and furniture, and interspersed beds. The building is built on the order of those modern housing projects.
I hated leaving Sam and all the fellows that I had been with since I left Chicago, Feb. 23rd, however, the fellows here are ok and it is a break. Most of the fellows are married and a little older. I think all of them are boxers, the flight leader holds the middle weight championship.

The bus picks us up in a little while so will finish this letter later. We might not fly today but no doubt I will have alot more to tell you tonight.
Mon. night.
I really had a surprise today. I got a box full of things that aren’t seen very much down here anymore. The box contained everything from raisins to cracker jacks. Thanks alot but I am afraid you folks had to use some of your points. [2]Points were part of the rationing system during the war. Save those for yourself. All of it certainly was appreciated and is being put to the best of use.
Now for the days’ happening: We didn’t get to fly today, but were on the flight line all morning learning how to make a line check on the plane and other safety precautions that they insist upon. The planes are pretty nice, little “Interstate Cadets“. They are real little but good to learn on. We start to fly tomorrow and I don’t know if alot of these fellows will be able to take another night of waiting or not. Of course I am not the least bit anxious. I don’t think any of us had more than a cup of coffee for breakfast this morning. All the planes are equipped with paper sacks for emergencies. My roommate is almost certain he will have to use his. The instructor I had this morning was really a swell fellow. I certainly hope I get him because from what I hear some of them are really hard to get along with.
I received a telegram from Dad saying he would be here either Fri. or Sat. morning at 1 AM. I won’t be able to see him till 2:00 Sat. afternoon. I think he plans on going back about Mon.

Last weekend Mrs. Perkins had got dates for Sam and I and had made reservations at the Corinthian Room (the same thing to Phoenix as the Empire Room is to Chicago). I had a swell date the girls name was Virginia Roche, she was with Bebe at Stevens. [3]Stephens College, Columbia, MissouriA small world isn’t it? We really had a swell time, it was the first time I had danced since I had been in the army. It is surprising how much a change relaxes a person.

We just had a meeting and I fly at 8:30, my instructors name is Henry. We have to be in bed by nine now so will close.
Love, Tom