Wed. morning.

Dear Folks,
I can’t remember just when I wrote you last. Time is passing pretty fast but not fast enough to suit everyone. There were 150 that left for Santa Anna[1]Santa Ana Army Air Base, in southern California, was the west coast major pre-flight training center for Army Air Force replacement pilots. last Sat. and a new squadron is to come in today.
We had a little excitement around here yesterday. One of the fellows in our squadron that I knew at Fresno left a note saying if he didn’t get transfered out of the air corps he would jump off the “butte”. A large hill just a couple of blocks away. It looks like this (drawing of a steep sided hill). I knew he had applied for a transfer but I didn’t know he was a set to crack. I knew that fellows have been known to but I think something must be a little wrong with them.
The mail just came and I will take time out to read your letter.
To answer your question: The Perkins’ address is Mr. and Mrs. R.C. Perkins, 1631 N. 13th Ave, Phoenix, Ariz.

It is just the two of them, they haven’t any family. Sam and I took them a present last weekend, he a shirt and her a pin. We were there all weekend and really had another swell time. The cookies you sent disappeared pretty fast so you can tell that they were plenty good.
Stan I appreciated Karen’s letter and tell her, or better yet just let her read this, that I am expecting to hear from her again, very soon.
I wish I could send you some of this warm weather in fact just about 75% of it is in the afternoon.
It does look like things are about cleared up in Tunis.[2]The battle of Tunisia was over by May 12, 1943, with the surrender of all German and Italian troops to the Allies. However I am afraid there is still a lot to be done in Europe and Japan. What ever your plans are I hope they work out ok.
I guess Dad and Cleda will be up to see you this weekend. I got a letter from Dad also today.
Maybe you are wondering how I can be writing this morning: We have a swimming period from 10-12 and not very many went this morning. It is about the only thing that isn’t compulsory.

I got giged [3]gigged means a penalty point for not getting the bunch up on time but only one so was pretty lucky.
They didn’t pull any wisdom teeth yet. They think the lowers will be ok, but they want the upper to grow out a little farther and then pull it.
If I can pick up a hand grenade around here some where I will send it to you. That should straighten out the people up stairs.
Tell Helen and Norm hello. [4]Helen and Norm Higgs…good friends of Elaine and Stanley
Love, Tom

↑1 | Santa Ana Army Air Base, in southern California, was the west coast major pre-flight training center for Army Air Force replacement pilots. |
↑2 | The battle of Tunisia was over by May 12, 1943, with the surrender of all German and Italian troops to the Allies. |
↑3 | gigged means a penalty point |
↑4 | Helen and Norm Higgs…good friends of Elaine and Stanley |