Easter Morning

Dear Folks,
This Sun. morning even though it is Easter doesn’t seem much different than any other Sun. morning. We got up at 6:00 A.M. cleaned our rooms and now waiting to go to church. We decided to go to the Baptist. Last Sun. we went to the Mormon it was really very interesting. They spent about 3/4 of the time singing and the rest of the time was spent by different people getting up and making little 3 min. speeches.
I received your Easter letter and dollar and believe me next weekend on our pass, when I spend it, I will think of you all. I wish I were there to help you fix the eggs this morning. [1]Fixing the eggs means cooking hard-boiled eggs, coloring the shells with pastel colors, and hiding them in the house or back yard for the children to find during the Easter egg hunt.This will be the first year I have missed not fixing any.

Last year when Steve and I went home I didn’t think I would be here a year later. Maybe next year I can hide some eggs for Snookie to find. [2]I don’t know who Snookie is.I remember how much I use to like to do that and I don’t think I will ever forget the time we found some in the dog box.
It sounds like you are really getting the apartment fixed up. How did the wall paper cleaning go?
I am glad you received the ration book and that you could get some benefit from it. I had forgot I had it till I was cleaning out my bill fold and found it.
Stan your talking about golf made me think of our games together. I guess you haven’t been able to play yet. I keep forgetting about the difference in climate. I wish you were here to run with me on some of these jobs. Yesterday afternoon we had to run 3 miles. I thought I never would make it.
(I will have to finish this after church.)

(1:00 P.M.)
Had a pretty good dinner and we were the only ones there so we had plenty to eat.
We finished our medical aid course this weekend and start Physics Mon. If it isn’t harder than the rest there won’t be much to it. The hardest part of any course so far is picking out the different parts of speech from a sentence. I guess I should have learned that part back in 7th grade.
I got a letter from Zoe [3]Zoe Foran, a friend from Greenville, who was attending the University of Illinois, majoring in Bacteriology (BS degree) More about Zoe later. the other day and she might come out here when school is over and before she goes to summer school. I personally doubt if she does but it is at least something to look forward to. I don’t think we will get any leaves at all until we complete all our training or else wash out along the line somewhere.

I wish they would hurry up and send us to pre-flight. I believe all of us will take pre-flight at Santa Anna from here. [4]Santa Ana Army Air Base was established in 1942 in Orange County, California for pre-flight training of pilots.
We have parade at 3:00 this afternoon and believe me it is plenty hot outside. I am going to take about 2 salt pills and sleep till then. I don’t know what we would do without the salt tablets. The first one I took made me sick at my stomach but they haven’t bothered me since then.
Hope you had a swell Easter.
Love, Tom

↑1 | Fixing the eggs means cooking hard-boiled eggs, coloring the shells with pastel colors, and hiding them in the house or back yard for the children to find during the Easter egg hunt. |
↑2 | I don’t know who Snookie is. |
↑3 | Zoe Foran, a friend from Greenville, who was attending the University of Illinois, majoring in Bacteriology (BS degree) More about Zoe later. |
↑4 | Santa Ana Army Air Base was established in 1942 in Orange County, California for pre-flight training of pilots. |