Sat. night.

Dear Folks,
It seems like all I get is packages and mail from you folks. However, even with all these I am still looking forward to the cookies that you and Karen made. I also think that Sam and the other boys are keeping a pretty close tab on my mail. Sam lives in Chicago but goes with a nurse that just completed nurses’ training in St. Louis. He is 21 yrs. old.
Well Stan I guess by the time you get this letter you will be relaxing after dinner with a good magazine. I hope you came out as well if not better than you had expected. [1]Stan, Tom’s brother-in-law, just had a hernia repair.

You can be thankful for one thing and that is that you don’t have to study in this kind of weather. The thermometer has been hitting a 100 degrees every afternoon. This afternoon we drilled from 1:00 to 2:30 and the water was running down my back in a stream. There has been so much complaining that we are finally going to start wear our sun tan’s (summer uniform) tomorrow. Believe me these wool pants and shirts are plenty warm.

This breathing situation is a little better but I can’t figure it out. This Ariz. weather is suppose to be a cure. Don’t send the atomizer because I might have some pretty heavy explaining to do.

My heel is O.K. and if it wasn’t for the breathing everything would be perfect. I will finish this in the morning, I want to take a shower and I haven’t much time.
(Sun. noon)
We had it pretty easy this morning. Didn’t have to get up till 6:00 and had the whole morning to our self. We cleaned the room, studied a little and went to church.

We have parade at 3:30 this afternoon, however, now that we are wearing sun tan’s it won’t be so bad. I still have a good deal of studying to do especially navigation. The prof in it has a way of not making himself understood and we haven’t got books yet so we learn everything from the notes.
It sounds as if Karen is really beginning to get around on her own pretty well.
I am satisfied now because there for a while I was afraid she never was going to use the play pen.

Must close and get busy. I am looking forward to the cookies.
Love, Tom

↑1 | Stan, Tom’s brother-in-law, just had a hernia repair. |