Tom is in the first of five stages of pilot training, the pre-flight stage. In this stage, he was instructed in the basic physics of aeronautics and thinking in three dimensions. He also had to pass courses in hard sciences and mathematics.

Mon. night.

Dear folks,
Just to let you know I received all the packages from you today. All my roommates as well as I want to thank you a lot. The raisin cookies were a little broken up but there isn’t a crumb left so it didn’t matter much.
We started on our schedule today. I am one of the fellows that doesn’t have to take math. I get to start right into navigation. In a way it is a break. We have about 2 hrs. of study time and not much time to ourself. I will try to get a letter off to you soon but lights out in 10 min. I was glad to hear that Karen is now in possession of a tooth. Don’t forget to send a picture. Use this address that’s on the front from now on.
Love, Tom