Wed. night 9:30

Are you out of stationery or don’t you have a stamp? If thats the trouble send it C.O.D. I hope you are home now because if you are not I am afraid I sent this to the wrong place.
I did alittle better than I thought I would on that Chem test but still nothing to brag about. I saw my German instructor today and he wants me back in his class. He said if I didn’t get in it to let him know and he would take care of everything. Not a bad fellow maybe we can understand one an other better next year.
I finished my lab work today and check out tomorrow. I completed one more experiment than was necessary, I though I was doing pretty good.
I am going to move into the different place Sat. Stanley is coming up to help me. I hate to think of moving all this stuff down three flights of stairs and then up three more again. You had better address the letters over there from now on: 1945 Sherman Ave., Evanston.

Another fellow and I went to the show this evening and didn’t like them so we left. What a waste of money.

Have you seen Bill or Bob yet? I received a card from Bill the other day and he is back at work waiting for the navy to call him.
When do you have to go back to school?
Will you still be home the 5rh?
Don’t forget to write, and soon.
All my love,