10:00 o’clock
Mon. night.

Received your letter today it was swell to hear from you. I would have written over the weekend but Bob B. and Cleda were up. We were on the go all the time. Bob is coming up here next year.
I have signed up for C.P.T. (civilian pilot training) I will take the physical exam next Sun. morning and if I make it O.K. I will take my elementary training this summer. At the end of 8 weeks I will be able to get my private pilots license. The only hook to the deal is that at the end of my secondary training, which I have to take, I will have to go into the army or navy air corp. Maybe if I am lucky enough as an instructor. I have to take the physical from the navy air corp doctor, I certainly hope I pass it. I was surprised that dad gave his consent but he sent the permit back as soon as he got it.

I received a letter from Buck Ward the other day and the way he talked he is probably on his way to Ireland. It was really a swell letter.
I really have the work to do next week and then. I have a project due this Wed. over “Antony & Cleopatra” and I haven’t even read the thing yet.

When is it you are going to St. John’s Military Academy” and why”
I am expecting to get alot of letters while you are at home. with nothing to do. Maybe this last is wrong.
Honey, I don’t know why it is that we don’t trust one another all the time but as for myself it seems that when I don’t see you for awhile I get imagining things. Maybe this shouldn’t be but I can’t help it.
I have to go over to Ed’s and study some Chem. so had better close. Don’t expect to hear from me to often in the future because from now on I am going to be going through hell. I wish I like to study.
With all my love,