Thurs. night.

I tried to write last night but even as it was I didn’t get to bed till 2:30. I had an hour exam in chem this morning at 8:30. I got up at 6:00 and studied. I think I did pretty well on it.
I am going to call the folks tonight. They haven’t written for a week and a half so I figure that if I call them and reverse the charges that it might cure them.
They are playing some piece on the radio now that we have played in band but I can’t think of its’ name. That makes me so mad I feel like throwing the thing out the window when I can’t remember the names of them.

I haven’t been down to Elaine’s for a couple of weeks. I think I will go down there Sat. and play tennis with Stanley.
In Trig we are really beginning to get in Spherical Trig. I don’t think I would ever have any trouble with a navy navigation course after taking this.
Honey, I don’t know what going on down there are just how things line up and there isn’t anyway for me to find out. I hope you will let me know if the status changes in anyway. I don’t know what pin hanging means down there but up here it is considered a great deal. Just having it two weeks seems sort of funny.
Just found out what the piece was “Capriece Italian” (sp.)
Moscow City Symphony – Russian Philharmonic
Published on Aug 22, 2012
See you some time. I am about decided to take the 11 week summer course.
With all my love,