I hope you made it back O.K. and also that you are missing me as much as I am you. It certainly is awful to only get to be with you for such a short time. Maybe someday it can be different at least I hope so. I hope you had a good time because I certainly did. Remember what you are going to tell me in two weeks are sooner, I am really anxious to know.
I made good connections coming back on the “L” last night, but didn’t get to bed till 11:30. My roommate has the idea that if he is staying up to study that I should too. So rather than get the wood (paddle) I stayed up and read Chem. We didn’t get our Trig papers back today I had hoped we would.
I got a box of vitamin pills from dad today so now maybe I can gain some weight.

If you will write three times a week so will I. I will try to make it on Mon., Wed., and sometime during the weekend; don’t you fail to do the same at least three times.
Its really a swell day here today all the snow has melted and the sun is shining. You couldn’t expect it to be this way over the week-end.
I am going to try and get some sleep this afternoon so will close and mail this so you will get it tomorrow.
Be good and by the way you never did tell me how the S.A.E. ranked on your list. I am listening – and waiting –
With all my love,
P.S. and I do mean with all.